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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Trusting God... [2004-03-26, 12:46 p.m.]

I heard something about it maybe reaching 60 degrees this weekend; that would certainly be cool. Although the weather report this morning said 50. But that's still cool. And another cool thing is that there's hardly any snow on the ground anymore, because of the rain we got last night, yay! You know, I heard that most people just talk about the weather because they have nothing better to talk about.

But, no matter, moving on: I took an anatomy test this morning. It was on the digestive system, and I think I did ok. Now I only have 3 chapters left and I'll be done anatomy for the year! Oh yeah, and I'm really enjoying that book "The Trapp family singers". It's different from the movie "The Sound of music" in at least one other way that I've noticed: there really wasn't quite as much drama involved in them leaving Austria. At least, they didn't have Nazis chasing them in cars, and they didn't have to hide out in the Abbey. But it's still a great book. It's especially funny when Maria is relating her trials in becoming familiar with the American language. Like, telling a priest to 'scram', and asking a bookstore clerk for a book about 'sex appeal', etc. But the thing I admire most about the family is their trust in God. Now, I'm protestant, and I know a lot of protestants tend to look at Catholics as not being Christians. And obviously not all of them are. I know a lot of people in my church were raised Catholic but didn't become Christians until they left that church. But I'm convinced Maria Von Trapp was a genuine Christian, because of the way she views all the circumstances that the family of 13 people had to go through. It's clear that she views her faith as more than just a 'religion'. It really is amazing to contrast that with things in my life though. If Maria could continue to trust God, even though their family didn't know where their next dollar was going to come from, can't I trust him to work out the whole college thing for me?

A good point was made in that book though - hindsight can make things clear to us, but often during the times of uncertainty, things aren't clear. It really isn't clear to me that I'll end up at the college I want to, or at college at all, for that matter. I hope that's what happens, but I have to trust that God will do what he wants for me, and not necessarily what I want for me. I don't know if that means He'll provide me with a job, or more financial aid, or what. But if He doesn't, I'll just have to accept that He has other plans for me, even if it's disappointing. I still hope a Christian college is in His plan for me though.


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