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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Another long, boring entry [2004-03-06, 11:08 a.m.]

I slept in until 10 this morning. Maybe because I didn't get to bed until past 2 am. Even so, I usually don't sleep that late. But it's very rainy & lazy outside today, so maybe no one else was very eager to get up either.

So I just took a shower & came down here. Last night was a lot of fun, and kinda crazy. Basically, all the teens (I'd say there were about 100 of us altogether) had the run of the youth center for about 2 hours. We could play basketball in the gym, hang out in the game room, or go swimming. I brought my swim stuff, but none of my friends did too so I decided not to desert them. Like I said last time, I spent most of the time with 2 girls who I've known for a while but haven't come to youth group in a few years. I honestly don't know if they're Christians or not, although they were raised in a Christian home (as far as I know), for part of the time. But their parents aren't living together anymore and I don't really know what else could be going on. They were homeschooled their whole lives and now they're going to public school, so I'm afraid they might be kinda 'getting into' some stuff. Plus they're kinda overly guy-crazy, at least in my opinion.

But they're still my friends, regardless, and I'm glad they could go. I really wish they were still involved in church & stuff, but as far as I know, they aren't. It's just sad to see what's happening to their family, and how different they are now. *sigh*. But I could tell they really liked the local Christian rock bands that played later in the night, so that was good. It's a start at least. And as we dropped them off (around 1 am), they talked about how we really needed to see each other more often, and I agree.

See, I think as far as Christians hanging out with non Christians, (or people that may have a bad influence on you) there are two ways to look at it. First of all, friends do have a big influence on us, and we need to be careful not to hang out with the wrong crowd, cuz they can pull us down without us knowing it. But at the same time, we're not supposed to just separate ourselves from everyone unless they're 'on-fire' Christians. I heard a quote once, I don't remember exactly how it goes, but it was along the lines of, "To some people, you might be the closest thing to Jesus that they ever see." Hard for me to believe, but I think it's true. I'm willing to put up with a few dirty jokes and swears, to be that person to someone, especially if they're my good friends. It's still sad though. Swearing is no big deal to them anymore - it's like they don't even realize how much they've changed.

It just bothers me sometimes when Christians take one of the two extremes: hanging out with non-Christians all the time and going with the crowd, or prohibiting themselves from any kind of involvement with the world. There needs to be a balance.

Anyway, the True Love Waits talk was very good. I made the commitment last year, but it's good to be 'renewed'. There was one thing the guy said that really stood out to me. I guess I'd known it before but not really thought about it. He said, the way our society portrays women is that they're only good as sex objects. And it's really true. It's sad when all these female celebrities think they have a "right" to just flaunt their 'sexuality'. And not just celebrities really. Lots of other girls too. That's the message we're all getting: if you have sex appeal, you need to show it, or you're no good.

It's funny how we talk about how women in other countries are treated the wrong way, like in Islamic countries. It's certainly bad over there, but that doesn't mean it's peachy over here. And lots of women here seem to think sex appeal is all about who they are. Women in American media are actually demeaning themselves and other women by thinking they need to flaunt their 'sex appeal'. But they think dancing on a stage half-naked is some kind of 'right', and they call it 'freedom'.

But yeah, it was a great night overall. We had pizza too - always a plus. As far as the bands go, I enjoyed it, even though my ears hurt afterwards. The first band was called something like Updraft575. A lot of their songs sounded the same, but their lead singer was great. And he looked really young. But he had this deep, raspy, 'rock band' voice, and he was great on the guitar too. The next band, Paid in full, was ok. They obviously had a lot of fans there cuz they signed autographs afterward. I'd actually heard them before too. They were pretty young too, like 14 to 18. I think they did well on cover songs, like Jimmy eat world's "in the middle", and Relient K's "sadie hawkins dance". But their original songs that they did usually didn't grab me. I don't know why. One of the friends I talked about earlier kept talking about how hott their guitarist was. It was kind of annoying. Well at least for me, probably because the guy was only about 15, and, well, I just don't go for 15-year-olds (for some strange reason).

Yeah, well, that was pretty much how the night went. It was good, but very tiring. One of my friends was kinda teasing Zack (a guy in our youth group) on the way there. I thought it was funny, cuz she wasn't doing it seriously, just to be amusing. She'd yell at him for nothing, like shouting "Shut your pie hole!" when he wasn't saying anything.

And then he said, "Pie hole? I like pie!" (Zack is clever with his responses). And she said, "You do? I like lemon pie." "Yeah, that's good", and they'd get off on a whole conversation about pies. Yep, it was an amusing ride.

Well that's all. I can't really think of anything else interesting to say (ha! As if this was!) But that's ok. I'm an individual, and this diary is ME, not somebody else. Not a shadow of who I wish I was.


wander -- travel

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Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
Michael Jackson - Monday, Jun. 29, 2009
Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009