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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Doctor's visit [2004-03-04, 12:58 p.m.]

Well, I went to the doctor's this morning. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, of course, but I always have to get nervous about things for some reason.

Basically, the doctor didn't know exactly what to do about my jaw-only-opening-half-way problem, but I didn't expect that she would. She basically just told me to apply heat to it, and take some anti-inflammatory medication for a week, and if that doesn't make it better, we should see a dentist or orthopedic (sp?) surgeon. Which is kinda how I thought it would end up anyway.

But she also said something about how clenching my teeth might have made it happen, and now that I think of it, I've caught myself clenching my teeth a few times, usually when I'm nervous, or trying to concentrate on something. So maybe when we finally get this problem straightened out, I should start wearing some kind of mouthpiece at night to help prevent clenching.

So, that was my morning. I didn't get any school done, so I imagine I should start that pretty soon. Tata!


wander -- travel

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