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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Christmas!!! [2003-12-25, 6:13 p.m.]

Hope you all have had a great Christmas today! I sure have! Everyone loved the Finding Nemo dvd I gave them, and my sister liked the cd's I got her, especially the Jump5 Christmas one, that was pretty good.

I got PotC on dvd!!! I've been watching a documentary today, which was very long, but cool. And we have a bunch of relatives over so we might watch the movie tonight :-D My brother gave me a big poster of Legolas & Gimli :-) It took me a while to find room on my walls, but believe me, I made room! I got a gift certificate to wal*mart too. New clothes, yay!

I also got a LotR wall calender with a different character for each month. I won't get to see Legolas until December next year, but I guess we hafta save the best for last ;-) I also got a whole ton of chocolate, so I predict a major zit outbreak over the next few days. Oh well, that's a risk I've gotta take, haha. I got some other stuff too, like pajamas, boots that zip up the sides, and cool stuff like that :-D

We had a big supper too, so I don't think I'll be hungry for a while.

Our house has been pretty much chaotic since this morning - most of my brothers got lightsabers, guns, remote-control cars, etc. etc. So it's been a war zone, but that's ok - they're having fun, after all :-)

Well, I'll go now. Kinda sad that Christmas is almost over for the year, but it's been a good one!


wander -- travel

Miss anything?

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Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
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Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009