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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Finally, my thoughts on RotK! [2003-12-23, 12:23 p.m.]

Well, I finally get on here again! So, on Friday night, me, my brother Timmy, and Zack watched FotRx, which kept us up until almost 1. The next morning at around 8:30, I showed up in the attic where Timmy & Zack were sleeping, (don't worry, I knocked first!) with my laptop and TTTx. So we spent almost 4 hours watching that, and then spent a bit of time getting ready. Melissa showed up around 1 pm, and then we left with my parents.

We arrived at the theater way early. The movie didn't start until 3:30 and the guy who bought advanced tickets wouldn't be there till 3, so my parents went off shopping and the boys played video games. After a while of sitting there, Melissa and I decided to go shopping, cuz there were a bunch of stores near by. I ended up getting a belt which looks cool, cuz I only had one at home that even fit me!

Anyway, we waited for a bit longer and then we spotted the group of people we were supposed to meet (among them Melissa's boyfriend - the REAL reason she'd come to see the movie with us *rolls eyes*). We got our tickets, talked for a while, and then went over & stood in line. There were only about 20 people ahead of us, so it wasn't bad.

We got good seats and sat in the theater watching those advertisements for quite a while before the movie finally started up, grrr. When it started, it showed a brief introduction to Smeagol, and how he changed into Gollum. It was a bit gross, but sad at the same time. Gee, those 'river folk' or whatever they're called, really weren't very bright, were they? During the first few minutes of the movie (after the Smeagol part), it just seemed a bit disjointed, if that's a good word for it. I just felt it didn't flow that well. But fortunately, it got better.

I loved the part where Gandalf was telling Pippin all the things he shouldn't say when they're about to see Denethor, and then he says, "Actually, perhaps it would be better if you didn't say anything at all." That got a big laugh from the crowd!

I don't remember the exact order everything happened (I'll have to see it more than once before that'll happen), so I'll just talk about things as they come to me.

The climactic ending (mount doom) was awesome!! No matter how great the special effects are, a movie just dies if the acting isn't up to par, but thankfully, that wasn't the case here. I thought it was SO sad when Frodo told Sam to go home! Somehow I don't remember that being in the book. Still, Sean Astin did a great job portraying Sam's willingness to assist Frodo, even if it meant his own life. It was so sad when Frodo left Middle Earth too, although I'm very glad they put that in there, because they had to somehow show that Frodo basically gave himself up for the benefit of middle earth.

I've actually heard from 2 people in the group we saw it with that the whole Aragorn/Arwen kiss was so cheesey. But how could they think that? Hello, that's kinda what people do when they get married!! I really like the way they portrayed her making her decision though. I read on the's review of the movie, that her staying for the sake of the son she didn't have was almost a pro-life statement, which I certainly agree with.

My hero from the movie was, of course, EOWYN!! Not only was she kind enough to pick up Merry even when no one else thought he could fight, but she kicked the Ringwraith's butt! LOL. That was great: "No man can kill me!"
"And I am no man."

As far as 'publicity' goes, I was VERY excited to see that picture of Aragorn on his horse on the cover of "World" magazine! It's great how many conservative Christians embrace those movies, even when they usually shun whatever comes out of Hollywood.

It's also interesting how a lot of the writers & even Peter Jackson didn't completely agree with Tolkein's worldview. Peter jackson was quoted as saying something like, "I don't know for sure if there is actually a real force of evil that exists, or if evil just exists inside people". Hmmm...hopefully they at least learned something from the movie though...I know I did!

So yes, I definitely think it's the best of the 3 movies, if only because of the climax.

And I can't believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow!! I'm so excited!! :-D Hope you all have a Holly Jolly Christmas, and a Happy New Year! :-) :-)


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