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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















PotC!!! [2003-12-02, 1:11 p.m.]

The #1 item on my Christmas list at the moment: Pirates of the Caribbean on dvd!

It comes out today, and my dad's gonna get it when he comes home from work. I don't know if he'll rent it, or buy it, but I still want it for Christmas regardless. Cuz I can watch dvd's on my computer upstairs, so I want my own copy for when I go off to college. Plus I heard something about some of the copies coming with a free poster. I want that!!!!

Yesterday while my parents were watching football, my brother said he saw an ad for PotC, so of course, I hung around for a bit until they played it again. It was great! When my mom saw it she was like, 'good grief', but she hasn't even seen it yet, so I have a feeling that she'll really like it when she watches it tonight.

And of course, my sister Emmalie doesn't like PotC anymore than she likes LotR. I think it's because she's scared of skeletons ;-)

So I'm anxiously anticipating this evening :-D That's the cool thing about being homeschooled - I can watch a cool movie the day it comes out on dvd without having to worry about being late for school the next day!

And yes, the plan is still for us to see RotK on the 20th. As much as I would love to go to the midnight showing, there are some people we'd like to see it with, and that wouldn't be doable for them either. But until I see it, I don't want to visit ANY LotR websites, cuz everyone's gonna be talking about it...ack!!


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