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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















war & drivers ed [2003-03-21, 4:53 p.m.]

Well, this war is definately sad, but necessary I believe. Pray for the troops! They are so brave :-) I heard Mr. Bush's address to the nation a few days ago, and he made a very good point. He said that if we hold off the Iraqi threat now with our army, navy, and air force, we won't have to clean up after it later with our fire fighters, police, and doctors on our own streets. Very true.

Anyway, I found out I'll be taking driver's ed this month!! It's 2 hours a night for 3 weeks, which is a lot for a homeschool girl! ;-) But it should be fun. I really hope I won't need my glasses to drive cuz I don't think I look good in glasses, lol, but oh well :-) *Laura*

wander -- travel

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